Oregon Homeschool Science Club Registration

Registration for 2025-2026 will open March 1st.

Based on OHSC feedback and working with OMSI Education Leaders, we will continue to offer OMSI science labs, Family Homeschool Science events, family classes, Amtrak-Pacific Science Center trip to Seattle, and Science Fair days. Tuition discounts are available for full year. Charter Homeschool invoicing available for some programs. Thanks for registering.

Fine Print — PLease Read: Your Invoice will be sent to you after placement. This may take 14 days.

Your student’s registration is pending until payment is received.
1. OHSC $25 Registration fee is non-refundable. This fee is to join the OHSC Program.
2. tuition is due august 1. After August 1st, tuition is due 48 hours after invoice is sent.
3. unpaid registrations are voided.
4. after the invoice due date, a $5 late fee is automatically triggered to reset the invoice.
5. seats are not held without registration payment.
6. homeschool charter registration Delayed invoice fee-$25.

Admission continues year round, based on class availability.

  • OHSC Membership Registration fees are due to enroll and are non-refundable.

  • Spring Term: Tuition is due December 1. Tuition refunds are available until December 10.

Oregon Homeschool Science Club Policies:

The OHSC Advisory Board expects that families have read the policies and Support the program through volunteering and positive homeschooling presence in the museum.

Non-compliance will result in non-membership/participation in the OHSC program.

Oregon Homeschool Science Club (OHSC) Membership Policies provide clear expectations of our co-op. We want to keep everyone safe, to support the OHSC volunteers and OMSI staff, and ultimately to have an incredible homeschool science experience. OHSC is open to all kinds of homeschooling families in Washington and Oregon. We reserve the right to refuse membership to any family or student, for any reason. Each of the policies listed below were created by the OHSC Parent Advisory Team. Additional policies may be added in the future as other situations arise. The OHSC Advisory Board expects that families have read the policies and support the program through volunteering and positive homeschooling presence in the museum.

Non-compliance will result in non-membership/participation in the OHSC program.

Three General Rules:

  1. We respect each other

  2. We respect OMSI staff, volunteers, and parents

  3. We respect OMSI’s equipment and building

We want everyone to be safe and to feel respected. Please help your student and other students to demonstrate this respect. We are a Partnership Program with OMSI and it is everyone’s responsibility to guide and redirect our students.

Registration, Enrollment, & Attendance:

  • Registration opens in March for returning volunteering parents

  • Registration fees are non-refundable

  • Tuition is due August 1 for full-year discount & Fall enrollment, and December 1 for Spring-only enrollment.

  • Term Only Tuition refunds will be granted up to August 10 (Fall) and December 10 (Spring). No tuition refunds are granted after these dates, or anytime mid-term

  • Families adhering to the policies & volunteering requirements have the first opportunity to re-enroll for the following year

  • Volunteering Fall families will automatically continue their placement or have priority to select alternative classes

  • Families that do not volunteer will be dropped at the end of the term, considered a new enrolling family, and will re-register (paying the $25 registration fee again) for the following term classes

  • Families who do not volunteer during the spring term will be dropped from their registration spot and placed at the bottom of the waitlists in June

  • Students missing more than 3 classes in a row, without informing OHSC, will be considered withdrawn. Please contact if you plan to hold spots. Families may request to re-enroll for the remainder of classes if any spots are available at that re-enrollment date

Co-op Parent Responsibilities:

  • All families are required to participate as a volunteer or room helper once for each enrolled course per term (twice for 2-hour classes). Contact OHSC for classroom and general support opportunities

  • Parents/guardians will remain on the OMSI campus or have a designated guardian available at all times for their student. The designated guardian’s contact information will be left with the OHSC Lobby Team

  • Not being onsite or providing guardian information is a safety issue. Non-compliance will lead to a warning and subsequent removal for the remainder of the term

  • Parents may swap supervision of children to assist in classrooms or to allow each other to observe classes (or to take a coffee break). Please ensure your child knows where to find you

  • Parents of Level 1 and 2 students need to drop off and pick up children at their classrooms. Please teach your child to wait with the Lead Room Parent until you arrive. Lead Parents cannot chase your child if they run out of class. Lead Parents will wait with students for 5 minutes and then walk them to the OHSC Lobby desk

Parent Cooperation Expectations:

  • Parents are expected to follow instructions given by the OMSI Educators and staff and OHSC leadership, non-compliance or defiance will result in the family’s removal from the program

  • Parents are expected to follow all the OMSI and OHSC rules, model appropriate behavior, cease from gossiping about other families, support fellow students, and avoid discriminatory behavior/comments/actions

  • Parents are homeschooling teachers and inappropriate behaviors in the program are expected to be taught and guided from the home, to support the OHSC and OMSI program

  • Parents need to address concerns or issues with the director or Parent Advisory Team. Rumor-creating or slander against staff, OHSC, OMSI Educators or Volunteers, or other families will result in the termination of the family’s participation in the program

  • Parents who argue with the OMSI and OHSC administration over the program rules, decisions, or expectations will result in the family’s removal from the program

  • Parents need to contact OHSC for the accommodation request form. Due to OHSC program's limitation, accommodations may need one term of planning to execute. Without the accommodation request, undisclosed accommodation needs may result in reassignment to a later semester/year. OHSC with OMSI will try to create a plan to meet my student's needs and an appropriate class placement. OHSC with OMSI is not staffed, funded, or under obligation to support all requests and must adhere to safety protocols for the staff, fellow classmates, and other OMSI museum visitors. Options available vary and not all requests can be met every semester. Please contact for more information

Name Tags:

  • Students, parents, and guests will wear name tags in the lab classroom for the duration of the class. No name tag means no class entry. This is an OMSI Safety Policy

  • Loaner Name tags are available at the OHSC Lobby table. A collateral item ($5 driver’s license, car keys, etc.) is required for the swap of a loaner name tag. The collateral item needs to be retrieved within 15 minutes of the end of classes or picked up the following week


  • Potential students or guest classmates will participate at the discretion of the OHSC director AND with the permission of the OMSI Science Educator. Please arrange this ahead of time with the OHSC director

  • At no time during class are enrolled students to supervise younger siblings while parents are out of the room. Parents may not use science classes as childcare for additional siblings

  • Parents sitting in class with younger siblings must keep the younger siblings quiet and non-disruptive to the learning process

Late Policy:

  • Late Passes will be provided for students arriving 1-10 minutes late

  • Students late by more than 10 minutes will not be admitted to class

  • Extreme Emergency entry is limited to once per year per family

  • Please contact us for train, traffic, & bridge delays; we will try to request a late arrival for your family


For students with an IEP or needing support, please let the OHSC Director know before classes begin. OMSI Education Administration and the OHSC Director have extensive experience with special accommodations and have many creative solutions to put in place before issues arise.

Behavior Issues:

Generally, students will be redirected in class by OMSI Staff or Parent Volunteers. Additional intervention options:

  • Option 1: Students needing additional redirection for misbehavior will have the OHSC director notified. The director will discuss the issue with the student and inform the parents of the concern.

  • Option 2: A Behavior Disruption Plan may be created to follow the rules or adjust the schedule. Parents will need to attend class and sit with their child

  • Option 3: Behavior disruption may result in the removal of the student from the program. The student may petition to return the following term with a plan for reintegration.

Any flagrant behavior that is disruptive to the learning or safety of another student/staff/parent/visitor may warrant immediate removal from the program at the discretion of the director, at any time.

*Non-Discrimination Policy:

OHSC prohibits unlawful discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, physical or mental disability, or any other category protected by federal, state, or local laws.